AWWA ACE63022 Georgia Water Use Profiles and Water Conservation Analysis

Conference Proceeding published 06/01/2006 by American Water Works Association

Written By Skeens, Brian M.; Miller-Keyes, Alice

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Due to the explosive population growth Georgia is experiencing, there is a growingdemand for public and private water supplies. EPD has contracted with a consultantCH2M HILL to develop water use and conservation profiles for several regions of thestate. The intent of the work is to provide a characterization for statewide water usage andto estimate potential water savings from standard water conservation practices at varyinglocations throughout the state. One of the needs for this is the fact that the state has verylittle information regarding baseline data for current water use in Georgia outside themetro Atlanta portion of the state.The body of work being produced by CH2M HILL entails analysis of local water use andmanagement data from eight water providers around the state. These providers wereidentified because they represent many of the diverse water use and resourcecharacteristics of our state.The research entails three primary steps. The first step involves collecting up to 5 years ofdata from these water suppliers:water entering the distribution system either from treatment plants or wells, orfrom a wholesale purchase;retail water billing data (monthly or by sales period in which the meter is read,including volume of water per customer class and number of accounts percustomer class); and,wholesale water purchases and transfers to and from other providers (monthly). Profiles of the water use will be generated for each water provideranalyzed. The recommended measure of water use for both public and private waterproviders is residential gallons per capita per day (gpcd), water used indoor and outdoor,and equivalent residential units (ERUs) for commercial customers and others. Also usedto quantify and compare water use will be basic gallons per day per account (gpd/acct).Using the baseline information collected in step one, step two includes selecting waterconservation measures most appropriate for the geographic region and the type of waterprovider (public or private, ground or surface water dependant, large or small operation). Step three involves calculating water savings that can result from implementing the waterconservation measures selected in step two and provides simple, repeatable calculations in order to establish thetools necessary to continue progressing toward the statewide conservation goals and,along the way, provide an understanding of the state's conservation potential.Due to the extensive research conducted in the Metropolitan North Georgia WaterPlanning District (MNGWPD), the communities selected for this evaluation lie outsidethe 16-county Metro Atlanta region. This research, coupled with the research conductedin the 16-county metropolitan Atlanta region will provide the state with a goodaccounting of public water use across the state.


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