AT-90-11-1 -- Reconciliation of a DOE2.1C Model with Monitored End-Use Data for a Small Office Building
Conference Proceeding published 1990 by ASHRAE
Written By Kaplan, M. B., McFerran, J., Jansen, J., Pratt, R.
Conference Proceeding published 1990 by ASHRAE
Written By Kaplan, M. B., McFerran, J., Jansen, J., Pratt, R.
The program will determine the cost-effectiveness of individual energy conservation measures (ECMs) by analysing four data sources - monitored building points, DOE2.1C computer simulations, building audits, and ECM cost tracking. Examines the interaction of the first two data sources as applied in an Energy Edge small office building.
KEYWORDS: computer programs, energy conservation, monitoring, offices, USA, costs, commercial, economics, calculating, energy management, comparing.
Citation: Symposium Papers, Atlanta, GA, 1990